An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and will help you avoid expensive repairs for your home. The truth of this adage comes to full light when you’ve decided to put your home on the market. Just imagine a potential buyer walking through your house and try to imagine it through their eyes. Unless your home is brand new, you’ll soon realize that you’ll be pouring even more money into the property in order to sell. These expenses could range from low-cost quick touch-ups to major structural fixes, which can run into the thousands, especially in older homes. The following are the most expensive repairs homeowners face when selling their homes in Fort Worth and how you can avoid them.

Water and foundations simply don’t mix well. Problems with a foundation can be one of the most expensive repairs homeowners face when selling their homes in Fort Worth. Is there water pooling or around the outer edges of the foundation? Are there any cracks on the floor? Have doors or windows become squeaky or difficult to open from having gone out of square due to the foundation sinking? You can avoid issues like these with your foundation by ensuring that the soil slopes away from the house. You can take steps to avoid allowing the soil to dried out during dry periods without rain, which can cause serious issues as well. You also want to check the foundation during rains to be sure that you have good drainage.
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Roof repairs can be an incredibly expensive surprise for homeowners to face when selling their homes in Fort Worth. Water damage can escalate quickly, not only by weakening the integrity of your home and leaving stains on the ceiling but in the potential for hazardous mold growth. Mold remediation is a very intricate and expensive process that is best left to professionals. Quick action is called for in order to avoid serious water damage. This is why it’s important not only to keep a close eye on the roof for yourself but to have the roof inspected every 3 to 5 years by professionals. You’ll want to watch for any worn shingles or weak spots that may appear. You will also want to check your roof after bad hail storms. If you know you have had a bad hail storm in your area, you should contact your home insurer to see if you area has been deemed a disaster area. If this is the case, the process for getting a new roof for your house could be expedited.

Depending on the material used when your home was built and the manner of installation, plumbing leaks can become highly expensive repairs homeowners face when selling their homes in Fort Worth. It’s highly recommended to check for Polybutylene piping (PB) which was used from 1978 to 1995, resulting in a class-action suit which ended in 2007. Replacement, which runs in the thousands, is the only resolution. You can avoid most plumbing issues from becoming far more serious by acting quickly. If you notice that your water bill has gone up mysteriously, you’ll need to be certain there isn’t a leak behind the walls, under the flooring, or even underground. Look around your water tank for signs of a leak at the base. Recently we have had a huge issue with pipes busting after the hard freeze this last winter. Replacing damaged pipes and replacing the damage that they do to your house can be very costly. If you find yourself in this situation contact us at Texas Best Home Buyers to let us help you.
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Sell Your Home On Your Terms!Heating and Cooling System

Neglect is the key culprit when it comes to the heating and cooling system. Repairs or even replacement can be among the most expensive repairs homeowners face when selling their homes in Fort Worth. You’ll want to keep up routine maintenance and have your air conditioner checked and cleaned yearly, also helping you avoid damage from condensation leaks. After talking with an AC technician about Air Conditioners in Texas, I was told, “Texas is where AC units come to die and heaters last forever.” There is a lot of truth in that statement. Even well maintained AC Units do not last forever. Unfortunately in Texas, they usually decided to die when it is the least convenient for the home owner. Typically this happens when it is in the upper 90’s to 100’s degrees outside. If you know your AC unit was put in your house in the 90’s you may want to make sure you have a good AC technician on speed dial. If you are wanting to sell your house, your AC unit is usually one of the first things potential home owners want to know about.
Paying for repairs before you ever realize a penny of profit from the deal is disappointing if not impossible for some. If you’d like to avoid paying for the most expensive repairs homeowners face when selling their homes in Fort Worth you can avoid these and many more unexpected costs by selling directly to Texas Best Home Buyers! Send us a message or call (817) 808-4911 today!